Industrial Volleyball League, Inc.
[How to Sign Up]
[Captain's Page]
[Free Agents]
[League Format]
[Photo Album]
[Private Leagues]
[Referee's Page]
[David's Rules]
[League Schedules]
[Why So Popular?]
[Who Runs the IVL?]
[Contact Information]
[Gremlins, Unlimited]
You can now register a team for the Spring 2025 Season.
Leagues begin the weeks of March 24 and 31.
Most playoffs will be the end of May/first week in June.
Click on
"How To Sign Up"
and then
Please note where the various leagues will be playing at
How To Sign Up,
before filling out the
To be added to the captains' mailing list,
send an e-mail, including a U.S. postal address, to
The IVL sponsors Friday night drop-in at
Wilcox HS
7:30-10:00pm, $14/person.
A few 8:00 starts until the school basketball season is over.
Recommended for intermediate and above levels.
For this week's schedule and info on how to sign up,
use the online Reclub App.
If you're a player looking for a team, or a team looking for a player,
check out the
Free Agent Registry
at the website.
Free Agent Registry
replenishes itself approximately every 30 days.
We offer 2 adult volleyball clinics a year:
Spring (March/April) and Fall (November).
Our next clinic is scheduled for
Saturday, April 12
Wilcox HS,
6 courts, men's and women's height nets.
All levels are welcome, Novice through "A".
Players are split up into appropriate groups.
To be added to the clinic mailing list,
send an e-mail (specifying "Clinic") to
New referees can take our
online referee test.
You can
take the test
and have it corrected online,
then bring the printed results to your league supervisor for certification.
See the
Referee's Page
for details.
You can view images of the shirts, prizes, and newsletters of past
seasons at
History of the IVL.
For teams in SF: Gary Wakai's Leagues
are now being handled by
Joe Ghalam.
Serving your volleyball needs since 1979
Industrial Volleyball League, Inc. organizes indoor volleyball competition in
the southern San Francisco peninsula and San Jose area. The actual IVL
playing area encompasses San Jose, Saratoga, Santa Clara, Cupertino,
Sunnyvale, Mountain View, Los Altos and Menlo Park.
The IVL sets the standard for excellence in organizing leagues that are
designed to provide the most rewarding recreational experience possible for
its players.
Playing facilities
Colleges, high schools and private institutions are used as evening playing
sites Monday through Thursday. There are 5 levels of play and
8 different playing facilities
to choose from. Wood floors and the modern,
sink-down volleyball standards are in use at virtually all of the gymnasiums.
Season format
The IVL offers four main seasons a year: Winter (early January start),
Spring (mid-March), Summer (mid-June) and Fall (mid-September). Each season
generally runs for 8-9 weeks. There is also a mini-season in late November
and early December. Team captains and company representatives can sign up
at the web site 3-4 weeks before the start of each season.
Who can play?
The IVL welcomes any kind of team; from beginner/novice (what we call our
Recreational B) to the very best players who would compete in our league.
Twice, our champion has gone on to win the U.S. national coed championship.
With six different levels to choose from, we can pretty much guarantee
you'll be placed in a league where you'll have some fun.
How do we sign up?
"How to sign up"
and then fill out the
For more details on how many games you play and how the leagues operate, read
"League Format."
for a complete listing of all the available information.
Volleyball Resources
The IVL purchases its t-shirts and volleyballs from
Sprocket's. 55 N. Santa Cruz Ave. in downtown Los Gatos.
(408)354-5450. Open 7 days a week.
Or shop online at
Just Volleyball also sells volleyball equipment.
(408)738-4500 or
This is an application form that you can fill out to register your team
for the upcoming season.
Teams that make the playoffs in their respective leagues compete for
great prizes like these.
Captain's Do's and Don'ts
This page contains suggestions for team captains to help their team
have more fun in the IVL and to keep them informed about IVL events.
This page lists the results of the last playoff match in each league
last season.
From time to time during the year, the IVL sponsors some
adult volleyball clinics.
Both individuals and teams can sign up.
Take a look at our
photo album
from past clinics.
Drop-In Volleyball
The IVL organizes an informal open gym on Friday evenings.
Free Agent Registry
The IVL offers a free agent registry in which players can find teams,
and where teams can find new members.
Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to frequently asked questions about the IVL.
Directions to gymnasiums.
Hand Signals
This is a reference guide to referee hand signals.
This is a brief history of the IVL.
How to Sign Up
Here are details on the upcoming season, and instructions to sign your
team up in a league.
What to do if you are an individual looking for a team, or a team that needs
one or two players.
League Format
This page describes the format of each IVL league.
League Schedules
This page links to the printed schedules for all of the leagues in the
current season.
Photo Album
Photographs of facilities, participants, and prizes.
Private Leagues
The IVL can help you organize private tournaments and leagues.
Referee Tips
Good referees keep the game fun for everyone. Here are some tips for
referees to improve their skills.
Rules specific to the IVL, and
David Hirose's supplement.
These supplement the current
USA Volleyball
rules for IVL tournaments.
Why is the IVL So Popular?
Comments from our participants, explaining why they enjoy participating in our
Who Runs the IVL?
A short biography of the president of the IVL.
Administrative functions are available to selected parties.
[Next (How to Sign Up)]
[Gremlins, Unlimited]
Contact Information
Industrial Volleyball League, Inc.
Kirk Anderson, Director
947 Emerald Hill Road
Redwood City, CA 94061
650-365-2666 9am-5pm M-F
650-367-0881 (fax)
IVL Home Page
is provided by
Paul Sander